Michael Finch
last modified
Aug 31, 2015 05:59 PM
Hello, is this where i may introduce myself. I live in Spokane County and began playing D&D in the early 80's (probably 82). This was basic/expert D&D, and later AD&D 1st edition. I will never forget my brother's Vengeful Dungeonmaster style. I would be playing solo Keep on the Borderlands, and he would suddenly insert a 3rd level wizard that could create orc minions out of thin air. When i would kill them, he would get mad, and create a new orc gating wizard before i could retire and heal. One session he did this three times in a row until my character finally died! Then he would make a point of gloating with vivid detail about how i was chopped in half, and then the orcs cracked my skull open and sucked out my brains etc etc. Later on i became fascinated by Glorantha Runequest, but never managed to get any one else to play it. But, late teens i came across 3rd & then 4th edition Stormbringer built on the Runequest system, and had a helluva great time with family & friends playing that! Wow! You never knew when you were going to die in a horrific, unexpected way in that game! It was best not to get too attached to your characters! ;) I played a little Rifts, but just found it way too confusing! Anyway, i haven't played in a long time now, but would love to get back into some actual over the table gaming again. I know how to roleplay, but am obviously not up on the newer editions of the games. But if you have the patience to let me build a good richly developed character idea, and get familiar with the rules, i think that i have good to contribute to gaming sessions. Thank you for your time! :)
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