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2015 Adventurer's Guild Artwork Intro Promo Video
2015 S1E1P1 Adventurer's Guild DM Hawke Robinson D&D 5 Character Creation Part 1 of 2
2015 S1E1P2 Adventurer's Guild DM Hawke Robinson D&D 5 Character Creation Part 2 of 2
2015 S01E00P3 Unedited. D&D 5e Adventure Introduction. Adventurer's Guild Guild, w/DM Hawke
2015 S01E02 Unedited. D&D 5e - The Adventurer's Guild - Worlds of Beru with DM: Hawke
2015 S01E03 Unedited. D&D 5e - Adventurer's Guild, Worlds of Beru w/DM Hawke
2015 S01E04P1 Unedited. D&D 5e. Adventurer's Guild. w/DM Hawke, Worlds of Beru Campaign.
2015 S01E04P2 Unedited. D&D 5e. Adventurer's Guild. Worlds of Beru w/DM Hawke
2015 S01E04P3 Unedited. D&D 5e. Adventurer's Guild. w/DM Hawke, Worlds of Beru Campaign.
2015 S01E05P1 Unedited. D&D 5e. Adventurer's Guild. w/DM Hawke, Worlds of Beru Campaign.
2015 S01E05P2 Unedited. D&D 5e. Adventurer's Guild. w/DM Hawke, Worlds of Beru Campaign.
2015 S01E05P3 Unedited. D&D 5e. Adventurer's Guild. . w/DM Hawke, Worlds of Beru Campaign.
2015 S01E06 - Missing
2015 S01E07 - Missing
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6