last modified
Oct 21, 2015 11:27 AM
Though many others have played in my campaign running since the 1980s, I started the current count of group numbers for this campaign since moving to Spokane in 2004 (and first Beru campaign here started around 2007).
This group previously tried out an evil campaign in Middle-earth using MERP/RM hybrid rules. The information on that short-lived campaign here: - See the forum postings for that group for details on how their campaign went.
They have now elected to play in my home brewed multi-verse heroic campaign setting of " The Worlds of Beru " with the standard start in the Port City of Balchoth.
The wiki for this setting can be found here:
It takes 4+ hours, especially for those new to the system, to complete characters. So with only an hour left in the session, we began that process, and here is what they chose:
Jacob = Great Man, Beastmaster (non-identical twin to Ryan's character).
Justin = Common Man,
Dawn = _____, Shaman
Drake = High Elf, _______
Heather = ______, Duelist
Ryan = Great Man, Beastmaster (non-identical twin to Jacob's character).
Due to prior family obligations, Ryan, Justin, & Heather won't be able to attend next week, but Dawn, Jacob, & Drake will be there to continue working on their characters.
Then the following week all 6 should be there to finish character creation, and if all goes well, begin the first leg of the adventure!
World Map
Located in
Worlds of Beru Spokane Group 7
The Beginning of Group 7 in Worlds of Beru