Semi-weekly Sci-fi RPG Group (Mondays, every-other, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm)
Re: Semi-weekly Sci-fi RPG Group (Mondays, every-other, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm)

Posted by Hawkeat September 24. 2014
Re: Semi-weekly Sci-fi RPG Group (Mondays, every-other, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm)

Posted by Hawkeat October 01. 2014
Looking for players interested in joining science fiction RPG campaigns in any of the following:
[*]Babylon 5 RPG (any of the 3 versions, Bab5 Project, D20, or Traveller-based systems)
[*]Serenity / Firefly RPG
[*]Paranoia (classic)
[*]Star Trek (various eras available)
[*]Star Wars (old d6, or newer versions
[*]Open to others potentially
The Second and Fourth Monday of each month. Around the 6-10 pm range (can be adjusted plus or minus one hour, for example 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, or 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, etc.). First session would be October 13th, then every other Monday on the second and fourth Monday of each month.
This will take place near Downtown Spokane.
Emphasis is ROLE-playing over ROLL-playing. Prefer rich character backgrounds and interactions, rich NPC interactions, complex plots, sub-plots, and meaningful character development.
Looking for experienced and mature players (maturity is not determined by years of life or experience, but by personality and behavior) willing to join for long-term campaigns that can attend reliably.
Adventure status updates and any last minute changes are posted here:
and here:
Re: Semi-weekly Sci-fi RPG Group (Mondays, every-other, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm)

Posted by Hawkeat October 11. 2014
We are on track to have our first gathering Monday October 13th, 2014 at 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Mondays thereafter. We still have a couple of seats available if you wish to join. Meeting near downtown Spokane near the intersection of Maxwell and Monroe.
Through participant agreement, we are beginning with the Babylon 5 setting.
Other settings we might also use down the road include by are not limited to: Serenity / Firefly RPG, Paranoia (classic), Star Trek (various eras available), Star Wars (classic d6, or newer versions), and others.
GM style is to emphasize ROLE-playing and story over ROLL-playing or Hack n' slash. Prefering rich character backgrounds and interactions, rich NPC interactions, complex plots, sub-plots, political intrigue, multiple overlapping arcs, dynamic universe, and meaningful character development.
Meeting at 1312 North Monroe, Spokane, WA, 99201, plenty of parking in the rear.
Babylon 5 The Role-Playing Game Second Edition (B5 2nd), based on d20 Open Gaming License (OGL), basically D&D; 3.x in a science fiction setting. I will provide copies of the core rule book "Faith Manages", if you wish to have a copy of your own book down the road, these can be found on Amazon and elsewhere fairly easily. Some key differences with the d20 version you should be aware of if you are a d20 veteran:- Instead of AC, all characters have a Defense Value (DF). DF = 10 + class Defense Bonus + DEX mod + size mod. Attack rolls are made normally against the DF.
- Skills work as normal but many are changed or work differently than you may be used to experiencing in the D&D; setting.
- Feats are similar but there are appropriate tweaks for the setting.
- Characters have far fewer hit points, combat is much deadlier.
- The key distinction with the B5 RPG setting is that while there are firefights and space battles that occur in the galaxy, "the high drama of Babylon 5 comes not with guns, but through character interaction.
We will begin with some shorter chapters beginning in 2250, then some time will pass, and the PCs will once again meet in 2257.The Dilgar War happened in 2230. After the Earth Alliance's success in helping the League of Non-Aligned Worlds fend up the Dilgar invasion, Earthforce developed a new level of confidence in space travel and space combat capabilities. They began to explore deeper reaches of the galaxy.
As the years passed and the realities of war faded, earth became more aggressive in exploration. Ignoring the Centauri Ambassador's Warnings to leave the edges of Minbari space alone, the "Earthers" sent an expeditionary military force to the edges of this isolated race, with the attitude of "we handled the Dilgar, we can handle whatever else is out there", to which Londo Molori stated, "Arrogance and stupidity wrapped into one package, how efficient of you." Months later, due to cultural misunderstandings and the incompetence of the head officer of the expeditionary group's first contact skills, the Earth-Minbari War began in 2245.
In May 2248 it ended. At "The Line" between Earth's moon and homeworld of the humans, on the verge of annihilating Earth and the Human race, inexplicably the Minbari surrendered.
Of the approximately 20,000 human defender forces on The Line, only about 200 survived.
Never again!
In order avoid another such catastrophe, The Babylon Project was created, to build a space station in neutral territory for all races to meet and find diplomatic solutions, "A last best hope for peace".
Shortly after the end of the Earth-Minbari War, The Babylon Project began.
In 2250 the construction of the Babylon Station has begun.
Whatever your background, race, culture, or home world, you have recently received (and accepted) an order/invitation/request/contract requiring that you arrive at Tau Ceti IV by March 10th, 2250...
The rest of the information, discussion, and adventure logs will be posted here:
Also feel free to call/text my cell at (509) 481-5437, especially if you have a last minute delay/cancellation.
Re: Semi-weekly Sci-fi RPG Group (Mondays, every-other, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm)

Posted by Hawkeat October 11. 2014
Character Richness, Combat & Skills Overview
GM style is to emphasize ROLE-playing and story over ROLL-playing or Hack n' slash. Prefering rich character backgrounds and interactions, rich NPC interactions, complex plots, sub-plots, political intrigue, multiple overlapping arcs, dynamic universe, and meaningful character development.Though situations may occur where combat seems the best option (though remember is much more deadly than typical D&D from time to time, the most important skills will mostly be the non-combat abilities, especially those related to interaction with others as well as, clue-finding, problem-solving, negotiations/diplomacy, science, stealth, knowledge/lore, languages, and many other non-combat skills.
Characters have far fewer hit points, combat is much deadlier.
The key distinction with the B5 RPG setting is that while there are firefights and space battles that occur in the galaxy, "the high drama of Babylon 5 comes not with guns, but through character interaction.
Hit Points (HP)
Hit points at first level are calculated by their "Initial Hit Points" (iHP) listed for the class, plus CON bonus.At each level, the PC received an additional number of HP based on the class's Additional Hit Points (aHP) entry.
Chararacter Creation Steps Overview
- Step 1 - Concept
- Step 2 - Ability Scores
- Step 3 - Race
- Step 4 - Class
- Step 5 - Skills
- Step 6 - Feats
- Step 7 - Influence
- Step 8 - Equipment
- Step 9 - Finishing Touches
- Ability Adjustments: None.
- Favored classes: Any
- Ability Adjustments: +2 Strength, -2 Charisma (I do not understand what CHA is minus).
- Relgious Caste: Diplomat, Ranger
- Warrior Caste: Officer, Soldier
- Worker Caste: Scientist, Worker
- Favored Classes:
- Ability Adjustments: CON +2, CHA -2.
- Favored Classes: Officer, Soldier.
- Ability Adjustments: WIS +2, CHA +2
- Favored Classes: Agent, Diplomat.
League of Non-Aligned Worlds Races
- Ability Adjustments: STR -2, WIS +2
- Favored Classes: Diplomat, Scientist.
- Ability Adjustments:None.
- Favored Classes: Trader.
- Ability Adjustments: STR +2, INT -2.
- Favored Classes: Soldier.
- Ability Adjustments: DEX -2, CON +4, CHA -2.
- Favored Classes: Lurker.
- Ability Adjustments:
- Favored Classes:
A skilled operative in the employ of a corporation, government, or military organization who performs much of their dirty work.
- iHP:6
- aHP:2
- Initial Influence: 1d6 any two influences, one of those must be a faction of the agent's native culture.
- Additional Influence: An Agent may increase any two influences by +2
- Abilities: need good all-round scores in every ability
- Class Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise, Athletics, Bluff, Computer Use, Concentration, Drive, Intimidate, Intrigue, Investigate, Knowledge (law, specific culture, or specific local), Linguistics, Notice, Pilot.
- Weapons Proficiencies:
- Skill Points: (8 + INT) x 4
- Starting Credits: 3d6 x 100
- Possible Careers & Professions: Assassin, corporate "fixer", covert operative, judicial officer, private detective, spy
- Master of the Crafts
- Multi-skilled
- Opportunism
- Crippling Attack
- Sneak Attack
- Stunning Attack
- Skill Mastery
An intelligent and charismatic individual who is capable of representing governments at the highest levels of negotiation.
- iHP: 6
- aHP: 2
- Initial Influence: 2d4 Political Influence in native culture.
- Additional Influence: A diplomat's Political Influence in own native culture increases by +2 per level. May also increase any 3 other Influences by +1.
- Abilities: CHA + WIS.
- Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Computer Use, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Intrigue, Knowledge (history, law, philosophy, specific culture or specific locale), Linguistics, Profession (white collar), Sense Motive.
- Weapons proficiencies: all pistols.
- Skill Points: (6 + INT) x4, 6 + INT per level
- Starting Credits: 4d6 x100
- Possible Careers & Professions: Ambassador, corporate negotiator, diplomatic courier, government minister, union representative.
- Cultural diversity.
- Improved Diplomacy
- Strong influence
- Swift diplomacy
- Aide
- Powerful influence
A character who lives on the fringes of society, surviving by their wits and often turning to crime.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
A ranking member of a military force, skilled at leading others in times of crisis.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
A member of the elite Anla'Shok, the Minbari order of spies and warriors trained to fight the darkness.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
A learned individual who specializes in one or more areas of technological discovery.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
A warrior well trained in combat and skilled in a variety of weaponry.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
A rare character who is able to use the power of their mind to read the thoughts of another.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
A merchant and spacefarer.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
A hard working individual used to back breaking labor in space docks and construction, more cerebral endeavors within larger corporations or perhaps entertaining paying customers with performances.
- iHP:
- aHP:
- Initial Influence:
- Additional Influence:
- Abilities:
- Class Skills:
- Weapons proficiencies:
- Skill Points:
- Starting Credits:
- Possible Careers & Professions:
List of Skills Overview
Acrobatics - DEXAppraise - INT
Athletics - STR
Bluff - CHA
Computer Use - INT
Concentration - CON
Diplomacy - CHA
Drive - DEX
Intimidate - CHA
Intrigue - CHA
Knowledge - INT:
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Engineering
- History
- Law
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Specific Culture - knowledge of a character's native culture is always a class skill and can be used untrained.
- specific locale
- Tactics
- Telepathy
Medical - INT
Notice - WIS
Operations - INT
- Driving
- Gunnery
- Piloting
- Sensors
- Systems
Pilot - DEX
- White Collar - INT
- BLue Collar - WIS
- Performing - CHA
Sense Motive - WIS
Stealth - DEX
Subterfuge - DEX
Technical - INT
- Electronics
- Engineering
- Mechanical
Telepathy - CHA
Re: Semi-weekly Sci-fi RPG Group (Mondays, every-other, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm)

Influence plays a key part in the role-playing in this campaign, so you will definitely want to have a reasonable understanding of how this system works. Keep in mind I will of course focus mostly on the role-playing aspect over the mechanics, but to improve abilities using influence, we will definitely make use of these rules. This will NOT be used as a replacement for role-playing, rather it will be a means for helping determine success (or failure) of efforts, based first of all on role-playing efforts, then checked with usual DC check.
For example, you wish your character to use his/her influence with a down-below vendor on Babylon 5 to find out who keep stealing from a friend of your's in the Zocalo, you will actually first need to find that contact, have a conversation. Then, during the course of the conversation, depending on how it is going initially, you will roll to see if something goes awry or well. Your actual role-playing though may trump the need to rely on a roll, but if it isn't clear from the interaction, then the rolling of the rules will often come into effect (maybe your contact is just having an exceptionally good (or bad) day). You will definitely want to read pages 106-110, and then any specifics related to your character after 110.
We will take a few minutes at the beginning of Session #2 to let everyone read that section, and answer any questions.
"Politics and diplomacy, underworld connection, military authority, secret alliances, and cryptic "associates" - few characters in Babylon 5 universe are without allies, influence, or contacts. The INFLUENCE RULES allow characters to exert political and social power upon the universe."
All characters gain some Influence with each level. There are numerous types of Influence, reflecting the multiple factions and types of power."
Gaining Influence
All characters gain influence when they gain a level based on the "Influence per level chart". First determine your starting influence at 1st level based on your class/profession. Then when you achieve subsequent levels, apply the second column for your class/level.
Characters can also gain influence as a role-playing reward for aiding a group. Such influence rewards are at the discretion of the GM.
Losing Influence
Influence can be taken away by role-playing actions, or environmental effects.... ....also be lost by burning it to achieve a result otherwise out of a character's reach.
Using Influence
Character's relevant influence score + 2d6 + miscellaneous Modifers => DC (equal or greater than Difficulty Check number).
Influence checks can be modified by ... and how many requests the character has recently made...
...when multiple requests are made within a short time (typically one week) = -4 additional (cumulative) per attempt (After initial attempt).
Burning Influence
If an Influence check's result is lower than the DC, then the character can choose to burn his Influence - by permanently reducing his Influence, a character can boost his result by double the burned amount.
Influence Checks and Time
Making an Influence check usually takes about an hour ....
A character cannot Take 10 or 20 on an Influence check... must normally wait for one Influence attempt to resolve before making another check of the same type.
Contacts are gained through the Contact feat (and of course ROLE-PLAYING), and are always associated with a specific field of influence...
... contact is considered to have 6 points of Influence in their field.
If the PC does have personal Influence in the contact's field of Influence, ... gains a +2 bound to Influence checks made within the contact field of Influence...
...character must be able to speak to the contact...
Drawing on Resources
Pressuring Another Group
...must use an Influence from the same race or of the same type as the target Influence...
...result of 10 or higher succeeds, each faction further away from PC is -5 to total (and must still exceed 10 to have chance for success....
Aiding Another's Influence
PC's can help each other's Influence rolls....
Boosting Diplomacy or Intimidate Skills
... This bonus is equal to the character's Influence with the faction he has called upon, divided by five.
Factions & Influence Types
Influences are divided into racial and general categories....