Dropping Meetup.com Listing for Spokane & C'dA Area Gamers
Meetup is once again raising their monthly rate. I've been paying this out of pocket for many years, but this last increase is more than Meetup is worth as far as functionality, so I'm letting folks know I'm stepping down as organizer if anyone wants to take over paying what works out to about $200 per year. Unless someone else steps up as organizer and wants to pay, the current subscription will expire September 21st, 2019.
Though this group has over 930 members, the Meetup approach and interface has not been very good.
Meanwhile you can use our website or our social media for organizing all future sessions, communication and update.
Contact Information: https://w3.rpgresearch.com/about/contact-us
Website: http://www.spokanerpg.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rpgresearch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rpgresearch
Happy Gaming!