This is a weekly group playing Oriental Adventures in north Spokane. We play every week, either on Wednesday or Thursday depending on the work schedule of some of the players, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Original player started at 1st level, all characters now around 3rd to 4th level. Currently using 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
Re: Drake's Oriental Adventures Group - (Thursdays weekly 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm)
Drake's Oriental Adventures weekly Thursday group, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. In the Whitworth / North Five Mile area. Currently has 4-5 participants. Running 1st Edition AD&D; OA. Potentially open to 1-2 more players. Has been running weekly since Spring 2014.
Re: Drake's Oriental Adventures Group - (Thursdays weekly 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm)
The group has traveled for weeks, slowly driving back the bandits from the Black Temple, shrinking their numbers. They are now in the canyon-wall-surrounded valley assaulting the Black Temple itself in the high mountains. This session should finish this arc, one way or the other.... But if they survive, the Samurai PC just found out that days ago that an assassin team was sent south to slay his Jito in retribution. Even if the party survives the fight with the temple, how can they get word, or get themselves south fast enough to protect the Samurai's Jito and his family?