This thread will be posting the adventure information for the TOR RPG gaming group 3 with Brian and his family. We will be adventuring across the years of the Darkening of Mirkwood (second), and progressing over many years. Initially meeting just once per month, hopefully will work up to every other week.
Re: Brian's The One Ring TOR RPG Group 3 (Fridays, every-other, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm)
Brian's The One Ring TOR RPG Group (Fridays, every-other, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm) - Running in Third Age 1947 (a few years after the Battle of Five Armies, using Cubicle 7's / Sophisticated Games The One Ring Role-Playing Game. Hosted at Brian's house in North Spokane. The group currently consists of 8 players ages from 12 through 46, with 4 female and 4 male participants. The first session was Friday, September 19th. They are not currently looking for additional participants at this time.