Other Places and People of Note
Port City of Balcoth
On the south end of the Sapientium kingdom(s), it is the largest port in the area (there are smaller ports along the coastline). Their greatest trade is with nearby Grecos Isle.
A large chain of very large close-knit islands (can take many days to travel from one end to another) with large plains of huge grasses, and the fastest horses known.
The Kesani Barbarians
Famous as being born in the saddle as horsemen wielding wickedly curved swords, they come from the large Kesani islands chain far to the Southwest. They generally avoid the great waters, fearing being out of sight of land, which fortunately keeps their hordes raiding each other between isles, but some individuals for various reasons come to the mainlands occasionally. They are notoriously quiet spoken, blunt, capable of sudden violence and then resuming a meal without batting an eye.
Numien's Inn & Tavern
The Plague
Morganna LeFay
The forced incestuous offspring of Morganna LeFay and Arthur Pendragon. Mordred is now the leader of the most feared military in all the lands and seas.
Uther Pendragon
The first person to unite the Warring Kingdoms of Sapientium. He followed the "might is right" approach, and through help from Merlin, a magic sword, and his incredible combat prowess and strength of presence, over decades, managed to form the first united kingdom. It didn't last long though, he was a man of strong passions, and his lusts lead to the unity only last a few short years before it fell apart. It would be many years again, until Uther's son, Arthur, would be returned by the machinations of Merlin, to begin reuniting the kingdoms once again...