Blog Collection

My 5th Edition D&D Books Stolen
— by Hawke — last modified Mar 03, 2019 11:08 AMMost of my 5th edition books were stolen last night. 3x player handbooks, 1-2x DMGs, 1x Monster Manual.
Hawke's 2nd Edition AD&D Collection Photo
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Nov 03, 2014 12:47 PM Here is a photo of my current AD&D 2nd Edition Collection (much smaller than my 1st Edition (which was basically everything ever printed)).
Merlyn's Late-night Gaming Group Beginning June 29th, 2014
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Jun 24, 2014 09:20 PM - Filed under: DnD, 5th Edition, Original Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, Merlyn's, D&D Next, rpg, OD&D, D&D, Gaming Group - We are starting up a late-night RPG group at Merlyn's every-other-Sunday at 9:00 pm. We will be starting first with Original D&D; boxed set, and then as 5th edition becomes available, consider either switching, or adding a 5th edition campaign. Here is information for getting started, with gaming schedule: Initially OD&D; Greyhawk Campaign. Hawke will DM first, then alternate with John Waite DMing the next, and back and forth. We meet every 2 weeks, Sundays at 9:00 pm. Though "officially" 9:00 pm to Midnight, if we're all up for it (like the "good ol' days"), we'll play later.
Hawke's d20 Hit Location and Critical Hit Severity System
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Sep 26, 2014 07:55 PM - Filed under: DnD, 5th Edition, Dungeons & Dragons, Original Dungeons & Dragons, D&D Next, rpg, OD&D, D&D - How many times have you rolled that d20, added the bonuses, and had an awesome total (though not a “Nat 20”), and thought “What a waste of a great roll” because then you just roll your normal damage dice. Wouldn't it be nice if the greater the d20 hit roll, there would be a gradient of increasingly more severe consequences to the target being hit?
Advice for beginning Game Masters / Dungeon Masters
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Oct 06, 2014 05:41 PM - missed a request for advice from an aspiring new DM at , so I thought I would replicate that here. As many other sites have done, you could put out a new article daily on advice for running games, but hopefully this is useful to some. Happy Gaming!
Great quote from 1983 D&D Red Box regarding Experience Points
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Nov 03, 2014 11:16 AM - Filed under: DnD, game system, Dungeons & Dragons, rules, Basic D&D, rpg, D&D - "You get a lot of experience for treasure, and NOT MUCH FOR KILLING MONSTERS" (emphasis added by me). "It's better to avoid killing, if you can, by tricking monsters or using magic to calm them down." - Page 12 of 1983 Players Manual of Dungeons & Dragons 1983 red box set.
Hawke's RPG Collection Photos and Videos
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Nov 03, 2014 12:47 PM - Here you can view photos and videos (with music from Synthetic Zen) of my role-playing gaming collections, beginning from the 1970s to current...
Players Wanted - Spokane Science Fiction Role-Playing Gaming - Mondays
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Oct 02, 2014 04:55 PM - Filed under: rpg - Role-Playing Game Players Wanted for new group forming - Science Fiction RPGs Group begins Monday October 13th, and then will continue on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month around 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm (time can be adjust +/- 1 hour either direction as needed). Please join us ASAP!
Spokane D&D 5th Edition Wednesday Group
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Oct 05, 2014 05:10 PM - Filed under: DnD, 5th Edition, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D Next, rpg, D&D, Gaming Group - Forming new group, players wanted.
Controversial [House Rules] Modifications to the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Cantrips Core Rules
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Oct 14, 2014 08:45 PM - Filed under: DnD, 5th Edition, game system, rules, Home brew, Dungeons & Dragons, rpg, D&D - One of my most controversial house rules for D&D 5th edition, is my overhaul of the cantrips.
Players Wanted - Spokane Area - D&D Basic Through Immortals - Wednesdays
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:50 PMPosted by Hawke at Oct 02, 2014 04:55 PM - Filed under: D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, rpg, DnD - Basic Through Immortals D&D Wednesday Group - 1st & 3rd Wednesday Each Month
Hawke's List of the Plethora of Role-Playing Games Currently
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:49 PMPosted by Hawke at Nov 03, 2014 09:56 PM - I'm concerned I'm overdoing it, and probably will have to back off after the holidays, but for now I am running a lot of RPG groups, streamlining my administrative processes of paperwork and such, planning for running games 5 days per week as a "job" as I get closer to RPG Research and RPG Therapeutics becoming a billable activity. For now, it's "just gaming" with some paperwork and process, here is a list of the many groups currently...
Rifts RPG Collection
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:49 PMI haven't yet played Rifts, but hope to soon. I managed to pick up some used books at Merlyn's last year, here is a photo of the collection so far....
Photo of my Tabletop RPG Book Collection
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:49 PMIt took several photos roughly pasted together to make it all fit, so it's less than ideal, but this gives some idea. And actually this is about a year out of date (more has been added since), but it gives some idea. At some point I want to lay them all out on the floor and have the full covers photographed, but that is currently a daunting task, so it will have to just be the bindings for for now. Enjoy!
List of Thieves World Characters and their Authors
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:49 PMI just searching the web for a simple list that cross-references each of the Thieves' World characters with the name of the authors that created them, and which books they were introduced and continued (or killed).
Session 3 - Spartan Show Adventurers Guild Broadcast
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:49 PMJoin me for session #2 - Spartan Show Adventurer's Guild - I will be DM as we broadcast live the 2nd RPG session. Tuesdays 8:00 pm to Midnight (Pacific time). Includes new sketch artist drawing scenes real-time during the game! Upcoming features include audience ability to influence events and other factors in future games!
Session 2 - Spartan Show Adventurers Guild Broadcast
— by admin — last modified Aug 17, 2015 07:49 PMJoin me for session #2 - Spartan Show Adventurer's Guild - I will be DM as we broadcast live the 2nd RPG session. Tuesdays 8:00 pm to Midnight (Pacific time). Includes new sketch artist drawing scenes real-time during the game! Upcoming features include audience ability to influence events and other factors in future games!